Saturday, September 15, 2007

Touring the house with Tryson

Hello everybody, this is Tryson Micah Williams, I'm not old enough to type so my dad is typing for me but I wanted to give everyone a tour of how our apartment looks. This is me helping unpack:

I just realized that dad didn't take a picture of my room when he took these pictures because I was sleeping, but I wanted to tell you that my room is going to be AWESOME! It's gonna have animals and toys and and lots of books for me to read with mom and dad (I read them a lot of books, because I'm real smart).

Anyways, here is the master bathroom, I had a bath in here today, but dad says that most of the time, I won't be able to go in here, oh well, who needs two sinks anyways, I can only play with one at a time....

So next up is MY bathroom...well, no, it is really grandma's bathroom for when she visits, which is real real soon!

Then we have the super duper kitchen. It is real nifty, mom and dad go in there a lot and I like to cling to their legs and say "baboo baboo ba". It really doesn't entertain me, I just do it because the like it so much. I know this is true because of how often they yell, "Tryson PLEASE!!!" which means please continue to do it I guess, so I smile and clap and keep them happy:
The last room I'll show you for now is the living room, or as I call it, the dust room, my dad tells me it is called a fireplace, I don't know about all that, I just like sticking my hands in the black dust and then crawling to mommy in the kitchen to crawl up on her legs and entertain her some more....YAY MOMMY!:
So, that's all I have time to show you for now. It is way past my bedtime and mommy and daddy have to go back to unpacking. In a day or two, daddy says he is going to put more pictures up and maybe he'll let me type next time...I hope I hope. Anyways, I'm going to hide in one of these big boxes here, I think this one is addressed to grandma. I think I'll mail myself there so I can show her my patty-cake skills. I have mad patty-caking skills! Pat it, roll it, toss it in the air, I've got it all down thanks to my grandma, here I come!



Unknown said...

Very cute.

Michelle said...


...and the chapter begins... said...

you made me cry - so not nice - I'm missin' you guys, mad, this week - I know I'll see you 3 soon enough - your place looks so nice - Wow - it's really big - I can't wait til March when I can come out there - I'll never wanna leave - you guys'll have to kick me out!! Love you guys - give kisses and hugs to all! Auntie Lolo

Kacie said...

The apartment looks very nice!! I love how Tryson gave the tour... very cute!

Justa said...

Lol. I love it! :-) I miss you Boo!

miloman10 said...

glad to see you guys are moved in and getting settled. Just want to know what a debbie downer is??? love ya's -debbie