Monday, September 10, 2007

Chris' First Day of Work

So today was a pretty good day. The only thing that would have made it better was waking up in an apartment eating breakfast, grabbing a lunch from the fridge and going to work. Other than that it was an amazing day, since I can't do those things yet. I started off the day leaving for work real early, getting lost (which is expected, come on it has the largest useable space of any building in the world) and then finding my way to where I thought I was supposed to be, which (because of the company being so busy) they had wrong. I had two tours by two different departments though and I am pretty secure now with the area for being my first day. So finally after lunch, I was able to get down to some business. I don't have my own desk yet or computer because it is so busy, but I think they are ordering me a laptop and I have a semipermanent place for at least a couple days. I would have been able to enjoy looking out at 777's from the cafeteria if my blood sugar wasn't so low. But I still really did enjoy it. It was somewhat erie. I will try to better prepare myself for tomorrow. The best parts of the day were getting to know some great people, realizing that the dress code is anywhere from dress casual to jeans and a t-shirt, learning learning and more learning, having the once a year test evacuation of the building occur on my first day and of course have the chef in the cafeteria mock me in front of about 20 people in the cafeteria for obviously being so much on that last one) but horray, I think I'll be happy where I am. Oooo...and there is apparently "work out the wazoo" as one person put it, so I might get some overtime in...which is both good and bad, but if temporary, they good would outweigh the bad I do believe. So much more to say, but seriously at this point no one wants to read more about my day other than my Memouse, so I'll just call her tomorrow and spare the rest of you. Thanks for listening, we love you!

-Chris is typing, Stashia is down the hall coloring and doing crossword puzzles, Tryson is either dreaming about his "truck truck" that is still in transit or the many ceiling fans he has seen in stores the last week (imagine Tryson with his head tilted back at a 90 degree angle and a toothless smile yelling "AHHHH....AHHH" that has been my biggest joy the last week.

One factoid about Seattle/Washington: not much air conditioning especially in apartments. It just doesn't get much above 80 ever, so you see ceiling fans everywhere.


Unknown said...

That's a cute image of you guys, especially Tryson craning his next at uncomfortable angles.

Kacie said...

I'm glad to hear you got through your first day! I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly!

Michelle said...


I don't have anything useful to say. Just wanted you to know I was still reading. :)