Friday, September 14, 2007

Bored at the Moment

So I'm sitting here on the internet for about 2 hours (Tryson is taking a nap). I should be on packing but I am just not driven. I'm missing Chris right now. I figure I would tell him on a blog how great he is. So yesterday I was kind of bitching. I know, shocking. I was as you might say a debbie downer. Anyways, Chris said it was really getting to him. So as I'm sitting here I'm thinking that it was probably since he had been up at 5a.m. and worked all day. I just wanted to say that I love him so much. I want to thank him for all that he is doing for his family. He comes home from work and he goes right into "helping mode". He will take care of Tryson and just start unpacking more boxes. He doesn't complaine. He is the man most woman want to marry. I get a kiss before he leaves for work, when he comes home, and before I go to bed. He makes me so happy. So even though some of those blogs seem knd of sappy we are really truely happy. I know everyone has bumps in the road and that theses are our bumps. Thank you for the support and encouragement from everyone. Thank you to my loving husband for understanding and helping with all this shit we have to do. :)


Unknown said...

I'm sure you already know this, but if you, either of you, ever need somebody to talk to, to vent to, to whatever, you know I'm here.

Kacie said...

I am here too if you need to talk! Chris is a great man all around! I am so glad things worked out between you guys!

...and the chapter begins... said...

hahaha - diddo - love you guys!!