Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Apartment Craziness Part 2

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Today became ok at around 7pm. That's when we had dropped the rental car off at the airport (2 hour round trip) and got some food into our systems (Tryson was by far the hungriest and ate at least as much as Stashia. Earlier today we signed the lease (YAY!) but then found the carpet to be soaked from the carpet cleaners (booo!). The movers came to our apartment (YAY) but the truck was too big so they had to go all the way to south in Seattle to get a smaller one and come back at 8am (BOOOO) which means tonight we are sleeping on a borrowed mattress (Thanks Kevin from waste systems) and I am using a random tenant's wireless router called "Divine Intentions" sitting on the floor with suitcases and a damp floor that makes all of our knees wet. At least we have a place and tomorrow should be the final installment...stay tuned.

-Chris, with Stashia being cute and Tryson being sleeping

From Stashia:
My day started out scrambling to get the rest of the stuff out of the hotel room and checking out by 9 a.m. Finally I got to the apartment complex we signed our lease and now we can sit back and breathe, right? Wrong! After Chris left after signing the lease I waited around for our keys. It's funny how 5 minutes means 20 minutes. So I finally get the keys, find the apartment, walk in to find .......... ours floors are sopping wet. The movers are supposedly going to be at the apartment in 30 minutes to an hour. The guy at the leasing office said it would take no more than a half hour for the carpet to dry. He was wrong. Then I notice some other problems with the apartment ( I'll spare you the details). So I go back to the leasing office only to be ignored for 15 minutes. Ok, now I'm back at the apartment. I get a call from the movers saying they don't even know if they will be able to get the truck in the complex to deliver our stuff. Needless to say they couldn't. So there I am in a empty apartment with Tryson, no hotel to go back to, and Chris doesn't get out of work for another 3 hours. So I sat there in the empty apartment while Tryson took a nap and did the only logical thing I could do at that moment. CRY! I call my Dad and he calmed me down. Then Tryson woke up and we spent the remainder of our time at Wal-Mart. :) Then Chris got out and he already told you all that. So once again it wasn't the ideal day for me.
Thanks for reading my bitch for the day


Unknown said...

Hang in there guys! It feels so good once you get everything settled and you can just take a step and realize everything you've accomplished. You may not be there yet, but remember, you can't have the sweet without the sour.

Also, kudos for your continuing efforts to maintain internet connectivity. I so would've given up by now. :-)

...and the chapter begins... said...

So does the apartment have internet then?? *confused* you 3 are magical!!

Kacie said...

I can't wait to see the apartment!! You have to post some pics!! Sorry about your shitty day,I had one of them today! I feel your pain! Love you guys!