Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ranch Pizza Sick Carnegie Monkey

I wish you were all here, we are entertaining. Much more entertaining than any blog. For example, Stashia asked me 5 minutes ago, "Do you want Ranch dressing with your pizza?" I replied with, "Ranch, yeah Ranch!" Then a couple seconds ago, she asked me, "Do you want Ranch?" I said, that I had just told her yes ad her reply is that she thought I wasn't serious...ahhh, fun. And the Tryson, he's a reality show all on his own. He gets in a lot more trouble as Stashia noted today. She dressed him today and he ruined it by getting into the fireplace, so she stripped him, through him in the bath and when he got out, that was it for clothes for a couple hours. He now cries when either of us go to the bathroom without him, or leave the room for that matter. He is getting really good with the "hi" and "buh bye". He can say both very clearly and at correct times, although sometimes not at the appropriate times. Sometimes when I see him after work when Stash has picked me up he says "buh bye" and I say, "no no, you want daddy to go away?" and he smiles. Two days ago, I think I scared him when I opened the door after a long day of work and he said a very enthusiastic, "HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" Really cute. Let's see, what else about Tryson, he likes being tickled under his armpits and sides and laughs a ton and he likes to take off his socks and put them in his mouth. That's Tryson.

Me, I'm sick at the moment, or actually in the process of feeling better, work was so long today. I got home and Stashia was so nice, she took Tryson grocery shopping with her and let me take a 5 hour "nap" which really helped. I woke up and my throat wasn't scratchy, my head stopped hurting and the initial sick "ick" was gone for the moment, so hopefully by the morning after I take my second nap in just a few minutes, I will feel up to a 9 hour day tomorrow followed by cleaning and organizing until about 9 or so and then getting ready to pick up Stash's mom at the airport at 11pm getting settled back here around 2 or so and then getting up in the morning to set up for Tryson's birthday yeah, I'm kinda not allowed to be sick past today. I also can't afford to take time off of work right now. Pray for me, please.

Other than being sick, as Stashia said, I am registered for a Dale Carnegie class, as wikipedia says, "Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (originally Carnegey) (November 24, 1888November 1, 1955) was an American writer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills." So, the nature of the class I will be taking in the winter will be encompassing a good portion of all of those. I am really busy at Boeing, pretty challenged at the moment. I am working on a project that no one in my group has had to deal with on their own or without training before, so I guess someone either has faith in me or hates me. I hope it is the former of the two. I am continuing to learn and be able to take on more and more work. I am about done with my mandatory training courses and can't wait to become more useful. I'm planning on everything coming together right before Christmas. So, hopefully by the time we come home, we will all feel very settled. What that means for me is a happy work, social and family life out here. We have a month and a half, ready...set...GET SETTLED!!!! (Somehow, that doesn't make speed fishing or something.....)

*In British John Cleese (Month Python) voice*
And now....for something completely different...a baby monkey clapping:


Unknown said...

Michelle (watching Tryson clap): "Hey, he acts like we do!"
Me: "Yeah. Our children will probably act the same, but the difference is that Tryson will grow out of it."

Unknown said...

Insanity, pt. deux:

Michelle: "Get me pregnant so I can write a blog about my kid."

miloman10 said...

Hey, you guys are back! I was afraid you gave up blogging, but I do know your both so busy.Tryson looks cute as ever! I will pray for you. Love you all-
Great Auntie Donna XXOOXX

...and the chapter begins... said...

Wow - can't quite get past the the first 2 blogs - that's funny right there! - our little Tryson is getting sooooo big!!! Can't wait til March when I can steal him from you for 8 days!!!

Kurt said...

Bawwwhh! Tryson's awesome, though he did still my idea for a costume... Hope all is well over thar.

KelLynn&family said...

Hey Family!
Awwww! Look at my little nephew all dressed up as his daddy for halloween! That is so cute! Where did you find a costume that looked so much like Chris?! :-) LOL!
You know I love you guys! Can't wait to see you all!