Monday, November 19, 2007

Mom visit, Tryson's birthday and more

Life has been great for us here. My mom was here to visit at the beginning of the month for Tryson's birthday. We picked her up from the airport late at night. She was worried that Tryson wouldn't recognize her. Well it only took him a couple of minutes and he was all about Grandma.

The whole way home he just kept on staring at her, smiling, and laughing. It was so cute! The next day we threw a little party for Tryson at Chuck E Cheese's. We really wanted to do this many for meeting people and because my mom was here. So many people came. It was great! Tryson had a good time dancing and we had a chance to get to know more people. We were not expecting the presents either. These people we hardly know or didn't even know at all were so generous. The next day (Sunday) we all went to church. After we went to our usual Sunday diner. Then at night our church had the African children's choir. Those kids have too much energy. My mom kept saying, "If I could have their energy 4 weeks out of the year I could get so much done." I tried to keep my mom, Tryson and I occupied. Monday was Tryson's birthday. My mom, a friend of mine and her little boy, Tryson, and me went to a story reading for his birthday. It was fun and he had a chance to play with other kids. Tuesday Tryson had his 12 month doctors visit. He is developing very well and is right were he should be and he does not have to have surgery. On the down side of it he had to get 5 shots in the arm. I could of punched the nurse that gave the shots. She stuck him with the needle hard and far into his arm. Wednesday we went to my MOPS group. Thursday night was one of the best nights. We headed to Seattle to tour and eat dinner. My mom ended up surprising us with a trip in the space needle. It was great. The best part about it was that is was at night and the lights were amazing! Then on Friday night we went and had dinner with my cousins Brian, Allie and their cute boys. Saturday was the day my mom was suppose to go home. Well..... she actually ended up missing her flight. We were kind of scared at first but it all worked out good and she got to spend an extra day here. Then Sunday we went to my cousin's Brian and Allies. They were having a brunch because my other cousins Todd and Cindy were in town. It was really nice to see them again. I other news I have decided to go back to work... sort of. I was at a friends house last week and she gave me a great idea to still do what I love but not really work outside the home or put Tryson in daycare. I am on this site called cafemom and have meet some really great people from it. She said I should post something on the site telling people that I do hair and for fair family prices. So I did and I have gotten a really goo response from people. I posted it on the site last week Friday and have 4 appointments already and more to come. I am so excited! Thanksgiving is coming in a few days. As sad as we are for not being able to be there with our family and friends we have met some great people here that have welcomed us into their homes for Thanksgiving. It's funny. We didn't think we would be spending Thanksgiving with anyone but ourselves this year but it is the complete opposite. We have been invited to 4 places (including Chris's boss's family). Sad we can't go to all but very nice we have somewhere to go. I can't believe how many nice and welcoming people we have met. I never saw any of this when we moved but we have been so happy. Life has just truly blessed us in so many ways. I am so thankful for all the family and friends we have there and here.


...and the chapter begins... said...

awwww - I'm so happy for you - I'm so glad you finally met some nice people out there!! *kisses* - oh and 3 1/2 more weeks til you're home!!! :)

Michelle said...

I'm really glad you guys found a good home. I wish NY wasn't so damn big so that Jason and I could find some couples to hang out with. All our friends are single...pfft, losers. ;)

Christopher and Stashia Williams said...

Actually, it is about 4 1/2 weeks until we come home... :-(