Thursday, November 1, 2007

Long Time No Blog

Hey All! Sorry it has been a while since we last posted a blog. Chris was trying to put up another video but it wasn't working. So anyways. Not tons but I would say lot has happened since last time. Chris is getting more comfortable with his job. Taking class and such to better himself. He has enrolled himself in a leadership course that he wanted to take and he will be taking that at night. I'm not sure when it starts but I think it is after the first of the year. The best part is that it is a $1,700 class and Boeing pays for it. Enough about him lets talk about the T man. He is getting sooooo big and SMART! This kid amazes me every day. Yes I said kid. As hard as it is for me I have to accept that he will be 1 in 5 days :(. He will always be my baby in my heart and eyes. He is not walking yet but I got hi this great toy that he can hold onto and walk with. He loves it. He has learned some new things, as you can imagine. Chris taught him how to wave hi and bye. Chris teaches him a lot. It so funny the things this kid pick up on soooo easily. Chris enjoys it. Like a little mini Chris or puppet. Tryson has met some friends. He attends Sunday school every Sunday and gets along with the other very well. All good remarks from his teachers. He has met some kids outside of school. I am on this site called Cafe Mom and have met some great people on it and we have met up for lunch and play dates. I think he has his first girlfriend. I will tell you she is a sweetie a little young (10 months). They play and roll on the floor together. It is so cute. I have been and done several thing to get all of us out and meeting people. As I told you I am on this site called cafe mom and I have meet some great people on it. One family has invited us over for Thanksgiving. They moved here from Ohio last year. I have also been involved in a group called MOPS. They meet twice a month. Tryson can play with the little one and I can be with all the other moms. We have breakfast, have speakers, crafts, etc. I met one of the kindest and most wonderful person through MOPS. I called inquiring about MOPS and she invited me to coffee about 3 weeks ago. She is like my mother away from home. Such a great friend also. She also told me about the church we have been going to (Gold Creek Community Church). She adores Tryson but who doesn't. The first time he met her, while we were at coffee, he felt so comfortable he feel asleep on her. It was the sweetest thing. In other news. Tryson is having a second birthday party( I know he is spoiled). This one is more for meeting people and for my mom. My mom is coming in on Friday. We can't wait. There is so much to tell but I'm tired and my neck is starting to hurt. I'll have Chris post a blog soon.
Missing All,

1 comment:

Justa said...

I wish I could be there for Tryson's bday. Glad to hear all is well. Love you guys. Give Tryson kisses for me.