Sunday, March 23, 2008

Monthly Update, HAPPY EASTER!

So, in the last month we've had a visit from our friend Laura. She was a lot of fun and I think she had a great vacation over here even though it was kinda cloudy and she didn't get to see some of the amazing views of the mountains or anything like that. We did manage to get a great view up in the space needle and the Seattle underground tour where we found an original Crapper: (THIS PICTURE IS SOOO AUTHENTIC, SEE THE 19th CENTURY ELECTRICAL WORK WITH THE PLASTIC OUTLET?...HAHAHA)
Laura and Stashia have some pictures posted on Facebook I think, so I'm not going to put more up here. I will however post some pictures of Tryson being the happiest boy in the world. He has a natural ability to chase ducks while yelling "Daaaa-keeee!" (The ducks did not share his enthusiasm):

So, what else is going on? Well I'm busy with work and with my class. My class is amazing, the Dale Carnegie class (in short) gives you some great practice in principles of building relationships, being a leader, reducing stress and overall improving yourself by living a more intentional life. I wish I had taken this class when I was a teenager. I think the class would be a great high school graduation gift (even though the average age for my class is probably 35, my instructor took the class when he was 8 years old). Oh and I am on the table of contents page of the Boeing Annual report, it's really cool. They took a picture of me while everyone else was paying attention to what I was saying. It looks like I'm talking about some complex engineering concept but I'm actually talking about how much I love playing with Tryson now that he can walk, anyways, you can see it here (page right after the cover:
Me in Annual Report!!
So, that's all that's up in my little area.

Stashia is enjoying Mom-ing it up. During a typical week she goes to a few play dates so she and Tryson can do some healthy socializing. She also is keeping up with MOPS, infact she won a $100 gift cert. to a really nice spa, which she used when Laura came out. Stashia is also building up some clientele out here for hair, which I am really happy about. Not only does it provide a couple extra bucks here and there but she has found these people through, so they are all moms with children who can play with Tryson while she does their hair or they are older moms and love to see a younger bright eyed child again. Yay, all salons should have a Tryson to entertain....something about child labor laws, does it count if he volunteers?

Speaking of Tryson, we are on to the light of our lives. Tryson says some 2 word phrases now and some of them actually make sense like "momma go", "my ball" and I swear this morning he said "good toy, my ball" but it could have just been a coincidence. He also went up to a 19 month old's face and said "HI COOKIE!!". His love of music grows and when we are at a place like Best Buy, he runs to a stereo and dances until we have to pull him away. I see some music or dancing lessons in his future. Well, I guess I will end with that for now. Have a Happy Easter everyone, thank you for reading. We miss you so much on holidays!


Michelle said...

Haha ... that Boeing picture is great. They're all staring at you intently like you're telling them how to build some super secret spy plane.

Or there's a race joke somewhere in there, but you're Italian so what am I thinking?

Plus Jason would beat me.

Glad you guys are doing well!

...and the chapter begins... said...

He is such a great kid - and yes I said kid - man is he growing fast - miss you three already!!

Megan said...

Hi Chris!
I saw the link to your blog on facebook and am so glad to know that it exists! I need to keep track of my coopers! It is so nice to see you so happy and Tryson is the cutest.