Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Holiday Spirit: Read First

The holidays are always a good time for us to connect with our friends and family, to eat like we never eat and be thankful for such opportunities. In general, this was true although some of the specifics may not point in that direction.

So the holiday season started for me when I met up with Stashia, Stephen and Caitlin at the GR airport after having a horrible flight experience with 5 delays adding up to 2 hours. Unfortunately my luggage decided not to join us. By the way, American Airlines is horrible with their communication on lost luggage to make a long story short.

The next day was the 23rd, where I decided to surround myself with 7 cats. Which would be fine if cats didn't constitute 90% of all my allergy problems. So the 24th, yes Christmas Eve, I went to the Urgent Care Center. By this point with my lungs so very weak, on recovery meds and still without my luggage the Christashiatryson contingency went to my family's side of Christmas. It was at Memouse's house which although she has two of these 7 cats, I thought risking my life was worth experiencing Christmas the way it was when I was little. Being surrounded by all the family again and getting to watch Tryson go through it as well was an experience worth the physical suffering. At one point in the night it just got to me and I found sanity in the insanity. My luggage could be lost forever and flights are always going to be late...and of course cats will always bring me to my knees, but I have had the best year of my life and this moment seals it forever in my memory.

As presents were being passed and all the chatter I thought about all I've been given this year and every bit of it priceless, completely priceless. Just this year alone, I was able to watch Tryson go through so many firsts and bond with him so much so that I know I'm someone he really wants to see in the morning and the last before bed. I finally realized what I had denied before, that Stashia loves me more than I can understand and that I love her more than I can explain. I finally graduated and after years of having other people fight to get me there, this last year I did it all on my own not taking no for an answer and taking all the responsibility, I grew up a lot and it feels good. I experienced a wealth of people coming out over and over again for our birthdays, grad parties, shower and wedding. I knew we had a lot friends and support but I did not know so many people loved us so deeply, thank you so much! I got a job that I love and I feel great about going to work every day, that feels amazing and they appreciate me. (I want to write more about this in a separate blog) Needless to say, I was overcome with joy. Not happiness, joy. Magically on Christmas day, my luggage came in and several other great things with it. I was able to spend a bit of time with 5 of my sisters that I hardly ever see, great times with friends and the opportunity to get stuck in snow on I-96...ah Michigan I miss you.

We're back in Washington now and I'm still a little sick, Stashia and Tryson are as well. We are happy to be back and settled down, but I think we are all in agreement that we all enjoyed our trip. So in summary, thank you!



Unknown said...

that was the most rewarding thing I have ever read. I pray your lives continue on course!

love always

Unknown said...

that was the most rewarding thing I have ever read. I pray your lives continue on course!

love always

...and the chapter begins... said...

I love you guys