Thursday, October 4, 2007

Funny Stories

Over the past week we have had some "funny" stuff happen. Things that were not funny at the time but I know all of you would enjoy hearing about them. I'm doing this in order of occurance.

1. Last weekend Chris and I were hanging out at home. Chris and I were finishing put the desk we got together. We put it in the place we wanted to put it. I was cleaning up and I had found something that Chris was looking for. I said, "Chris..." and before I even got out of my mouth what I was going to say I made a, you could say it was probably the most skin curderling sound you have ever heard. I'll call it a scream. There not even a foot away, in front of my face was the BIGGEST SPIDER I have ever seen. The leggs had to be 3 to 4 inches long. I am NOT kidding. The funny part is when I started to scream, Chris started screaming even louder than I was. But it gets better.... He didn't even know what I was screaming about! So there I was, I had jummed on the couch and Chris was right there by my side saying, " WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? (screaming at the same time)" I was just pointing and screaming. I finally got it out that there was a spider. So here we are trying to find something to kill it. We ended up with a pack of c.d. cases. The best part was I, Stashia, Had to kill it. Chris was too scared.

2. I was in the shower (get you mind out of the gutter). Chris thought he was being funny by squeaking one of Tryson's rubber ducks outside of the shower. Well unbeknownst to him I had my haed peeking outside of the shower curtain on the other side. When he finally noticed he screamed so hard. Like a little girl to be exacted. Waving his hands in the air. I laughed so hard I peed in the shower. It was so funny. I wish I had that on video. It was one of those moments.

3. Two days ago, I was in the shower again. Chris was on the phone. When I got out Chris said to me, " Thank God you were in the shower cause you would of freaked out. If I wasn't on the phone I would of freaked out too." He proceed to bring me in the dining area. He was telling while he was on the phone he saw, what he thought was a hair tie, and put his foot on in so Tryson wouldn't get to it. But there was something different about this hair tie..... it moved. Turns out it was a little lizard. A little black lizard. So I did freank out a little bit when it started moving. I think Chris really wanted to keep it. He trapped it with a glass. I was persistant that he flush it down the toliet. So he listened like a good husband and did. :)

4. Today, I got up and Tryson did as well. I changed his diaper, as always first thing I do in the morning. He has had some nasty diaper rash for about a week. So I let him roam around without a diaper so he can "air" out. I have done this for about a week. Today was a different day. I was on the computer and Tryson was playing like a good little baby in the living room. But as any good parent knows (even when they are in ear and eye distance) when they are quiet that is not good. I took a break to look at Tryson and what was the first thing I see..... POOP! Poop on his butt, poop on his leggs, poop on his arms, poop on his CHIN, poop all over the living room floor!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH! I had to be clam though. My son looked as cute as he could at the time, at me and gave me a very warm and poopie smile. So I grabbed some paper towel and cleaned him up as best I could, started a bath, and took a good look at the living room. To top all that off I had no carpet cleaner ( the movers couldn't pack it. aerasol). So I gave him a bath, cleaned up the living room as best I could, called a couple people, and put a little something on face book. Which Michelle was oddly almost right. What I posted was, "Stashia is discussed at what Tryson just did. Nasty!" She wrote me, asking if he threw poop at me. I didn't get it throwen at me but I had enough on me to suggest that it might of happened.
So there are the.... not so funny in the moment, they are now funny, really funny to you, and will be very funny years to come stories.
We love and Miss you all, Can't wait till Christmas!


Michelle said...

I laughed out loud several times while reading this...a good hardy "lmao" if you will.

Jason kept saying WHAT WHAT WHAT?! Because he hasn't read your blog yet (I'm a better friend obviously) but I wouldn't tell him what I was laughing at so it was making him angry.

Yay I made it into your blog entry!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you should be keeping your new "friends" around as a means of disposal for the next critter that finds his way into your place...

...and the chapter begins... said...

oh...My...GOSH!!! - ewww that is soooo disgusting - but yet soooo funny!!

Kacie said...

yeah I LMFAO!!! Very funny stories!! I can't wait until Christmas too!!