Friday, December 3, 2010

Lots of Love

Here's hoping everyone one had a great Thanksgiving & it continues into the other holiday's. Chris, Tryson & I have so much to be thankful for these holiday's especially. It warmed my heart & brought tears to my eyes when Tryson's teacher approached me a few weeks back (right before thanksgiving) & was explaining what they were working on in class. She explained they were sharing what they were thankful for.

He said he was thankful for his puppy, his grandma, his family & the baby in his mommy's tummy. So you can see why we are more thankful & blessed this holiday season. I hope you all are just as thankful for what you have as we are.


...and the chapter begins... said...

YAY!!! I love ALL 4 of you!!! Can't wait to meet her - now I prolly jinxed myself!!! *muah*

Anonymous said...

I already LOVE this little GIRL as much as I/We LOVE the REST of your family. :)